I have come to realize that I have not posted in quite a while... This blog is due for some SERIOUS updating. Sit back and enjoy readers; this could be a long one.
Since we last checked in, it was Laura's night off... Laura made it back safely the next day and no great tragedy was seen or heard from. In fact, it was nice to have a night alone. We have been inching towards P-Day, (Parade Day), and have been holding up surprisingly well. No one has been chewed out, there have been no meltdowns in the ring or in the office, and spirits are comfortably maintained at a relatively high state.
I got a surprise visit from my Uncle Don and Aunt Julie from my father's side of the family. Sometimes all you need is a familiar face -a friendly visit -and your comedic batteries are re-charged and the season coasts along without any moments of impatience. -Also on the visitor's list was my High School Drama Director, Gary Parker and his grandson Owen. I was glad that Gary got to see me, as he was a great theatrical influence and he is the reason why I got into working at Renaissance Festival. (A WHOLE other blog that will surface sometime in September.)
SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS came to the circus. Well, actually, it was Sponge Bob's body shell, shoes, leggings, and fabric bag to prevent dust or any other harm in the ever-so-dangerous dressing room of a Ringmaster, Magician/Drummer, Clown and Production Girl. -AND which one of these lucky members was chosen to do meet and greet sets in between shows in a giant, friendly, yellow heat box of PR DOOM!?!?! -LAURA! YAY! We had a weekend with Sponge Bob at the Circus -and, SUPRISINGLY, It brought in GREAT crowds! -I am very happy and excited to say that, because of Sponge Bob Square Pants, I BROKE THE 100 DOLLAR MARK IN THE FACE PAINTING BOOTH!!! $123 to be exact! I've only broken the $100 mark once since then... which means I get roughly 50 EXTRA DOLLARS PER VICTORY! I've already surpassed my gas and snack food funds for my ride home... and am still working on school books -however much THAT'S gonna run me up... yikes!
I've decided that (even though it's gonna be a huge pain in the wallet) I'm going to pay for my tuition and books for this semester. -So, student loans won't be as hard to pay off on the upcoming future... I just have to keep working hard and picking up odd jobs to get my damn degree!
I am ALL juiced up for two shows that I'm doing with Tristan off site. I'm working on a comedic character performance that is going to be a great break from the clown I am everyday -I can take a stab at straight up physical comedian. I was inspired as one of my great influences and teachers, Chris Allison, got on America's Got Talent -and made it to the next round in Las Vegas! He has a Coney Island Chris character -who performs old sideshow acts as a bumbling nerd resembling Jerry Lewis. He KILLED at the Clown College reunion and I can only imagine how far he will go, he is truly one of the greats. -ANYWAY, I am taking inspiration as my character (who is still yet to be named) is a stuntman/amateur magician. Who's favorite word is "Extreme" I can't WAIT to see how he plays and have a new personality in my repertoire.
The 4th of July was festive and cute as always in the small town of Baraboo. The local band played patriotic songs as the sun went down on the football field of Baraboo High. Then the entire town watched the annual fireworks display. It wasn't as impressive as I remembered it last year -but it was still a fun night out. We had some fantastic White trash behind us claiming that a quarter of the fireworks resembled a dolphin and he would predict every time they picked up the speed that we had indeed come to "The Grand Final!" (You did not misread and there is no misprint... f-i-n-a-l. as in final four or final countdown.) I caught up with the DeSantos and we planned a get together.
In other news, since I last wrote a blog, we filmed a TV commercial for Circus World and I was the lead character in it! It’s only running in Wisconsin, but I’m getting a copy of it to gloat about in the very near future. I probably should have asked for some money, but promotional footage is a fantastic trade off for now. It was just another bit of excitement to add to this crazy summer of circus and mayhem.
I am currently writing and re-writing my 10 minute spot of madness for the illusions of reality magic show at Buffalo Phil's a major restaurant in Wisconsin Dells. I am also looking forward to a few more visits coming up... Friends from college and my mom and dad both plan on making the trip out. I hit a mini-wall and wanted to go home for a few days, but the sun is back out and I'm still happy to be here. Still not sure about next year -but why worry!? All things happen for a reason. P-Day is closing in... Here I go... wish me luck!
Until next time...
Stay safe, happy, healthy, and West Nile Free!